Unexpected benefits to the brain when learning multiple languages

There is no denying that knowing a new language will help your children a lot in life. Traveling, applying for a job, reading a book, or watching a movie without subtitles also becomes easy.

Learning Vietnamese for Vietnamese children living abroad is like an invisible connection with their homeland and grandparents. In addition to these obvious benefits, learning Vietnamese also brings unexpected values to students’ brains:

  • Improves memory: The process of bilingual communication helps the brain increase memory capacity.
  • Improved concentration: Switching between different languages contributes to the brain focusing information better.
  • Increased acuity: There is a continuous back and forth between languages to help the sensitivity of the brain gradually increase.
  • Develop creativity: Language learners will think logically and have better solving abilities.

At THE LITTLE GIONG, learning Vietnamese for children of Vietnamese origin living abroad becomes more interesting and effective thanks to:

  • Teachers with quality certificates, positive teaching spirit.
  • The learning path is detailed, clear, close to each student’s strengths and weaknesses so that each student achieves the best results.
  • Enthusiastic and fast support service.


THE LITTLE GIONG is a combination of curriculum specially designed for children living abroad learning Vietnamese and a team of experienced and enthusiastic teachers so that every lesson at The Little Giong is always fun, interesting and towards the goal that students will love Vietnamese more and more and will help students master 4 skills LISTENING – SPEAKING – READING – WRITING.

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